TOEFL Signups The TOEFL is an English proficiency exam that is required when an international student is applying for UT or any other colleges around the U.S. If you are interested in taking the TOEFL exam, then please come signup starting Monday, July 1 for the Institutional TOEFL that will… read more
Tuberculosis(TB) Clinics
Tuberculosis testing for ESL students is taking place on Tuesday, June 11th. Check your registration guide to see when your appointment time is to get tested. Please make sure to bring your insurance ID card to the Student Services Building (SSB), Allergy and Immunization Clinic on the 2nd Floor. ELP: 10:30… read more
Memorial Day – UT Closed
May 27th Hey Students! Just a reminder that UT is closed this memorial day! So sit back and relax for an extra day. We will see you for Testing and Registration! Click here to learn more about Memorial Day.